We'll give you 1-FREE month to switch to Bizstim!
Bizstim Business Software BOOK DEMO
  • at least 1 month with the other company
  • provide a screenshot of your billing history
  • purchase a paid subscription with us
  • when verified we'll add 1-FREE month to your account
  • you can stack our 3 months at 50%-OFF offer
  • not available to returning accounts
Get 50% OFF for 3 months!
Take your time migrating your data to our software without having to pay full price. Our software will pay dividends for your business.
Absolutely NO CONTRACTS required
You don't need to provide a credit card to start your 21-day free trial. There's no contracts to use our service. No muss, no fuss.
We'll give you CREDIT for referrals
When you refer a paid client we'll credit you 12.5% of the subscription fee for the lifetime of the referral. WOW!
Testimonials Our clients love our all-in-1 business software solution
  • Customer Testimonails Power Plus Tutoring

    I love this booking tool. Nothing more satisfying than getting a text with a booking and a sale coming in!

    Raquel Power Plus Tutoring
  • Customer Testimonails Tutoring By Christine

    The customer service is old school in a modern environment

    Christine Tutoring By Christine
  • Customer Testimonails Club-Z!

    I have told many of my friends that it's the best thing I've done for my business... I recommend this company highly!

    Janet Club-Z!
  • Customer Testimonails Multisensory Reading Center

    I can't tell you how excited we are to have something that will finally allow us to grow these portions of our business

    Jen Multisensory Reading Center
  • Customer Testimonails Brain Boost Academy

    I LOVE being able to drag and drop the notes box! It is saving me SO MUCH TIME

    Beth Brain Boost Academy
  • Customer Testimonails Tutor-Link

    This looks fantastic Chris! Once again, I greatly appreciate your willingness to improve and customize your tools

    Denis Tutor Link
BUSINESS NEWS Stay informed and in the know about the latest developments in your industry through our informative news categories.
Fixed Pricing Plans Bizstim has the best feature-to-cost ratio in the business software industry because of fixed pricing plans
  • Unlimited Clients, Customers, Students
  • 1 Practitioner, Consultant, Tutor
  • 0 Staff or managers
  • Scheduling & Reminders
  • Client CRM
  • Expense Tracking
  • SMS Text Messaging
  • Payment Processing
  • Records Manager
  • API
  • Unlimited Clients, Customers, Students
  • Unlimitied Practitioners, Consultants, Tutors
  • Unlimited Staff or managers
  • Scheduling & Reminders
  • Client CRM
  • Expense Tracking
  • SMS Text Messaging
  • Payment Processing
  • Records Manager
  • API
  • Unlimited Clients, Customers, Students
  • Unlimitied Practitioners, Consultants, Tutors
  • Unlimited Staff or managers
  • Scheduling & Reminders
  • Client CRM
  • Expense Tracking +
  • SMS Text Messaging +
  • Payment Processing
  • Records Manager
  • API

Businesses with 2500 sessions or more per month incur a charge of $75 per 2500 session interval. Less than 2500 sessions/month no additional charge.


The table below depicts several businesses with large volume costs:

A 500 $0
B 2,500 $75
C 5,000 $150
D 7,500 $225
E 10,000 $300

These costs are added to your monthly subscription fee.

The number of sessions is calculated by summing the previous months "completed" sessions.

If you have fewer than 2500 sessions in a month there is NO large volume cost.

Robust scheduling options with tons of automation and prompting
Bizstim has robust scheduling options
  • 2 clicks after your first log in you are adding your first session. The process is streamlined and super convenient
  • Have the software send session reminder e-mails and text messages to eliminate needless cancelations and no-shows
  • Our calendar displays: sessions, breaks, notes, closures, and messages to better organise your staff and ensure no double-bookings
  • Open scheduling to the public using an online booking tool with a handy button. Use this for your existing clients or allow new clients to create accounts or send session requests as a guest
  • Your clients will love the reminders and any after session reports you send them. The heavy lifting is handled by the software of course!
No more spreadhseets and no more headaches managing your sales team
  • Spreadsheets are the worst! They're only as good as the user who inputs the data and they're terrible with sales teams and collaboration
  • Our software integrates your client information with session requests and client inquiries to create a wholistic approach to managing clients
  • By constructing your own unique sales funnel you effortlessly move clients through your business in a controlled and structured manner
  • Your sales team can collaborate using notes, todos, and quotes to stay on the same page and impress the pants off your clients. Your business never looked so professional and credible
  • The software is designed to be rediculously user friendly so you and your staff can spend more time on clients rather than technical issues
managing your sales team
Can't seem to connect with anyone at that big software company? We got you!
connect with bizstim
  • Bizstim Software Solutions is a growing company but we maintain a small family outlook. Our clients are like our family. Oh who are we kidding we love our clients more
  • Need some help? Want to talk to a developer about a tweak or new feature? We're one call away. Yep! Call us and talk to a developer in minutes. How's that for solving problems?
  • We won't put scaling our company ahead of achieving the best client satisfaction humanly possible. When you succeed we succeed. We're in this together and we'll show you how obsessed we are about your prosperity

Do We Have Online Meeting Software?

We sure do! In fact we've fully integrated with Lessonspace, the best meeting software for educators, teachers and tutors!

Lessonspace Testimonial
Lessonspace Integration