We'll give you 1-FREE month to switch to Bizstim!
Bizstim Business Software BOOK DEMO
  • at least 1 month with the other company
  • provide a screenshot of your billing history
  • purchase a paid subscription with us
  • when verified we'll add 1-FREE month to your account
  • you can stack our 3 months at 50%-OFF offer
  • not available to returning accounts

API Documentation


Type: GET
Method: clients
Parameter: (integer) {start} / {limit}
URL Example:
start parameter refers to the first record to return.  Default = 0.
limit parameter refers to the number of records to return.  Default = 1000.  Maximum = 1000.
start and limit can be omitted from the URL and their defaults will be chosen.
total key in the json object is the total number of records found.  Use this to create your own pagination.
id integer Unique id.
users_id integer Unique id. id on the users table
client_settings_id integer Unique id. id on the client_settings table
avail_id integer Unique id. id on the avail table
first_name string First name for the client
last_name string Last name for the client
address1 string Street address for the client
address2 string Suite or appartment number for the client
city string City location for the client
state string State location for the client
zipcode string Zipcode location for the client
country string Country location for the client
p_phone string Primary phone number for the client
s_phone string Secondary phone number for the client
text_phone string Text message phone number for the client. Comma separated list of mobile numbers
email string comma separated list of e-mails. Use LIKE query or convert string of e-mails to an array of e-mails to locate a client by their e-mail
    "status": "success",
    "total": 54,
    "response": [
           "id": "21",
            "users_id": "654",
            "client_settings_id": "42",
            "avail_id": "503",
            "first_name": "Joe",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "address1": "6545 New Street East",
            "address2": "101",
            "city": "Milton",
            "state": "Ontario",
            "zipcode": "L7D 5S2",
            "country": "Canada",
            "p_phone": "(905) 454-6464",
            "s_phone": "(416) 567-1144",
            "text_phone": "19054546464", 
            "email": ",," 


Type: GET
Method: client
Parameter: none
GET Array: Possible query parameters include:
  • id
  • email
  • username
  • first_name
  • last_name
URL Examples:

The above listed GET parameters can be searched via the GET array. Keep in mind, email, username and ID will supersede any other parameters. The first to appear within the GET parameters will be used. You can search for first name and last name in a query string.

id integer Unique id.
users_id integer Unique id. id on the users table
client_settings_id integer Unique id. id on the client_settings table
avail_id integer Unique id. id on the avail table
qb_customer_id integer Unique id. id on the clients table
first_name string First name for the client
last_name string Last name for the client
address1 string Street address for the client
address2 string Suite or appartment number for the client
city string City location for the client
state string State location for the client
zipcode string Zipcode location for the client
country string Country location for the client
p_phone string Primary phone number for the client
s_phone string Secondary phone number for the client
text_phone string Text message phone number for the client. Comma separated list of mobile numbers
latitude string Geogrpahic co-ordinate
longitude string Geogrpahic co-ordinate
dob string Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
status string active, inactive, prospect
inactive_date string Date the client was marked inactive (YYYY-MM-DD)
inactive_set_date string Date the client will be marked inactive (YYYY-MM-DD)
inactive_reason string The reason for being marked inactive
inactive_who string First and last name of the user who marked the client inactive
funnel_id integer Unique id. id on the client_settings table
calendar_color string hexadecimal color code for the calendar cell color. This is over-rided if the open-closed color scheme is selected for the calendar by the administrator
start_date string The date the client began services (YYYY-MM-DD)
notes string Notes for the client
timezone string IANA time zone format e.g. "America/Los_Angeles"
send_welcome_message integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
send_lesson_reminders integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
add_session integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
see_practs_information integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
text_reminders integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
use_records integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
session_cancel integer 0 = no, 1 = yes
ace integer Available credit exception. 0 = no, 1 = yes
hide costs integer Hide costs from the client. 0 = no, 1 = yes
username string Username string: not case sensitive
email string String of comma separated emails: e.g.,
dark integer 0 = light mode, 1 = dark mode
calendar integer 1 = month, 2 = week, 3 = day
minTime string Default = 08:00:00
maxTime string Default = 24:00:00
slotDuration string Default = 00:15:00 or 15 minute intervals
sessionLimit integer Number of sessions to show per day in month view. Default = 10
cal_length integer Length of the calendar on the page in pixels. Default = 1200
    "status": "success",
    "response": {
        "id": "21",
        "users_id": "654",
        "client_settings_id": "42",
        "avail_id": "503",
        "first_name": "Joe",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "address1": "6545 New Street East",
        "address2": "101",
        "city": "Milton",
        "state": "Ontario",
        "zipcode": "L7D 5S2",
        "country": "Canada",
        "p_phone": "(905) 454-6464",
        "s_phone": "(416) 567-1144",
        "text_phone": "19054546464"
        "status": "active"
        "inactive_date": "2022-04-21"
        "funnel_id": "125"
        "calendar_color": "#8874bc"
        "start_date": "2020-04-21"
        "notes": "This is a wonderful not for a fictitional student names Joe Smith."
        "send_welcome_message": "0"
        "send_lesson_reminders": "1"
        "add_session": "0"
        "see_practs_information": "1"
        "text_reminders": "1"
        "user_records": "0"
        "username": "cowboybeebop"
        "email": ","
        "calendar": "1"
        "minTime": "11:30:00"
        "maxTime": "22:00:00"
        "slotDuration": "00:15:00"
        "sessionLimit": "10"
        "cal_length": "1200"


Type: GET
Method: ondemand
Parameter: (string) {custom_student_identifier} / (int) {primary_agent_id} / (int) {secondary_agent_id}
URL Example:
URL Example:
custom_student_identifier  This parameter refers to the user's ID. Within Bizstim a custom field has been created and mapped to this field. The institution the user originates from uses this user ID to map to an identifier within their system. This way when this method is used to create an encrypted link the Bizstim system will know who the user is and where they are being referred from. This is a required field.
primary_agent_id  If you are providing on-demand services for a 3rd party, place their agent ID in this parameter. If you are not operating on behalf of a 3rd party then place the number 0 for this parameter. This field is required.
secondary_agent_id  A secondary agent represents potential subsidiaries of the primary agent. For example, a school board or district would be considered a primary agent and individual schools would be considered secondary agents. If you are not operating on behalf of a 3rd party then place the number 0 for this parameter. This field is required.
response string URL encrypted link you may share with the user. The link will direct the user to the on-demand form and the software has identified the user's account.
    "status": "success",
    "response": "


Type: GET
Method: testimonials
Parameter: none
URL Example:
id integer Unique id. Testimonials id.
first_name string The client's first name
last_name string The client's last name
testimonial string The client testimonial
    "status": "success",
    "response": [
            "id": "54",
            "first_name": "Joe",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "testimonial": "<p>an posuere sapien, eu tempus sapien porta in.
                    Curabitur posuere neque non quam hendrerit ornare. Mauris ut molestie lorem.
                    Aenean varius magna in vehicula ultrices. Nullam euismod consequat erat, ut
                    vestibulum purus egestas at. Aenean ultrices, quam pellentesque auctor finibus,
                    enim risus porttitor</p>"
            "id": "72",
            "first_name": "Beth",
            "last_name": "Adder",
            "testimonial": "<p>an posuere sapien, eu tempus sapien porta in.
                    Curabitur posuere neque non quam hendrerit ornare. Mauris ut molestie lorem.
                    Aenean varius magna in vehicula ultrices. Nullam euismod consequat erat, ut
                    vestibulum purus egestas at. Aenean ultrices, quam pellentesque auctor finibus,
                    enim risus porttitor an posuere sapien, eu tempus sapien porta in. Curabitur
                    posuere neque non quam hendrerit ornare. Mauris ut molestie lorem. Aenean varius
                    magna in vehicula ultrices.</p>"