Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information and business data. The following outlines our privacy policy.


  • Business User data refers to data collected by Bizstim on its business to business (B2B) clients. Data stored by the Business User is hereby referred to as End-User Client Data.
  • Before or at the time of collecting Business User data, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected. Consequently, all Business User data collected is used to provide insights pertaining to the growth of your business.
  • We will collect and use Business User data solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  • We will only retain Business User data as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
  • We will collect Business User data by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
  • Business User data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • We will protect Business User data by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  • We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of Business User data.


  • End-user client data is data stored by the Business User.
  • Bizstim does not own, control or direct the use of any of the End-User Client Data stored or processed by a Client or User via the Service. Only the Client or Users are entitled to access, retrieve and direct the use of such End-User Client Data. Bizstim is largely unaware of what End-User Client Data is actually being stored or made available by a Client or User to the Service and does not directly access such End-User Client Data except as authorized by the Client, or as necessary to provide Services to the Client and its Users.
  • Because Bizstim does not collect or determine the use of any Personal Data contained in the End-User Client Data and because it does not determine the purposes for which such Personal Data is collected, the means of collecting such Personal Data, or the uses of such Personal Data, Bizstim is not acting in the capacity of data controller in terms of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, hereinafter “GDPR”) and does not have the associated responsibilities under the GDPR. Bizstim should be considered only as a processor on behalf of its Clients and Users as to any End-User Client Data containing Personal Data that is subject to the requirements of the GDPR. Except as provided in this Privacy Notice, Bizstim does not independently cause End-User Client Data containing Personal Data stored in connection with the Services to be transferred or otherwise made available to third parties, except to third party subcontractors who may process such data on behalf of Bizstim in connection with Bizstim's provision of Services to Clients. Such actions are performed or authorized only by the applicable Client or User.
  • The Client or the User is the data controller under the Regulation for any End-User Client Data containing Personal Data, meaning that such party controls the manner such Personal Data is collected and used as well as the determination of the purposes and means of the processing of such Personal Data.
  • Bizstim is not responsible for the content of the Personal Data contained in the End-User Client Data or other information stored on its servers (or its subcontractors' servers) at the discretion of the Client or User nor is Bizstim responsible for the manner in which the Client or User collects, handles disclosure, distributes or otherwise processes such information.
  • All Business-Users sending SMS messages to End-Users (customers or clients) MUST add to their policies and procedures, privacy policies or contracts a statement that End-Users consent to SMS messaging by the Business-User by default. It MUST be made clear the End-User can request not to receive SMS messages. When consent is not granted the Business-User must disable the SMS permission for the End-User. Moreover, Business-Users MUST only send SMS messages related to their service offerings; such as, session reminders, pending invoices or promotional material related to their core industry. Furthermore, SMS messages MUST NEVER be sent to End-Users that are not willing consumers of the Business-Users products and services. No SMS messages can be sent to "cold contact" potential End-Users because they have not consented to such actions in advance. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the termination of the SMS service. No Business-Users will be permitted to send SMS messages for political fund raising or communication!

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information and business data is protected and maintained.