Help Topic: Sales Manager
Q. What Is Sales Manager?
Sales Manager lets you track the progress of your clients through your sales chain. Furthermore, it can be used as a relationship manager between your sales team and clients.
The overview page of Sales Manager separates clients who are prospects from other types of clients. This allows you to focus on turning prospects into clients.
Options provided by Sales Manager include:
- Notes: notes with dates and times created, and who created them
- Todo's: quick reminders to the sales teams of important tasks that must be completed
- Quotes: create quotes for your clients quickly and easily, have the quotes recorded, and e-mail them to your client
Q. What Does The Orange Circles Mean?
Within Sales Manager there are two places where orange circles are located, they are todo's and quotes.
An orange circle means there is either an outstanding todo that needs to be completed, or a quote that has not been sent to the client. When the todo is completed, or the quote has been sent to the client, you can click on the orange circle and mark them as completed.
A completed todo or quote will change from an orange circle to a green circle. You manually have to track the todo or quote as complete.
Q. What Does "term" Mean?
If you click on the EDIT option for a client in the Sales Manager, you will be taking to the view page. At the top of the page you will see a heading marked; Term, followed by a number of days.
For example:
Term: 5 days
This means the client's record was added to your business 5 days ago. If you are communicating with a prospect, this number is very important because the larger the number the less likely you will be able to convert the prospect into a paying client.
Q. How To Create Tags?
You can create tags within the Sales Manager and assign the tags to your clients.
Tags are interesting because they can be used to group your clients and send them e-mails using our mass e-mail tool.
To create a tag do the following:
- from the main menu click on CLIENTS
- from the sub-menu bar click TAGS
- in the space provided add the name of the tag
- click SAVE TAG
That's it.
Your created tags are listed in the table to the left. This table shows the tag name, the number of clients assigned to the tag, and a column of options.
The OPTIONS column allows you to assign many clients at once or remove clients from the tag. You can also edit the name of the tag and finally delete the tag.
Q. How To Assign Tags To Clients?
You can assign tags to your clients from the Sales Manager.
There are 2 ways to assign tags to clients from within the Sales Manager:
- from the TAGS page
- from the client's Sales Manager details page
To find the Sales Manager go to the main menu and select CLIENTS > SALES MANAGER.
Click the TAGS option on the sub-menu bar.
Click the double arrow icon from the tags table.
Move clients from the left-box to the right-box.
Don't forget to click SUBMIT.
- from the Sales Manager page find the client you want to add a tag to and click the pencil / edit icon
- next click on the TAGS button
- move clients from the left-box to the right-box
- don't forget to click SUBMIT when you are finished
You can review a client's assigned tags from their view pages at: CLIENTS > CLIENTS LIST > click on the VIEW icon (hour glass) > click on the ASSIGN TAB. Alternatively, you can review their assign tags from the Sales Manager.