Help Topic: Wages

Q. How Do I Pay Hourly Wages?

Wages can be paid to hourly wage earners and salary wage earners.  This answer focuses on hourly wage earners, referred to as practitioners in this software.

To make wage payments:

  1. go to EMPLOYEES > HOURS AND WAGES from the main navigation bar
  2. click on Add Payment or Add Multiple Payments
  3. Add Payments allows you to select a practitioner, payment amount, and payment date
  4. Add Multiple Payments will ONLY show practitioners with wages owing based on saved or missed sessions

If you want to know how to pay wages to salary employees, select Timesheets from the help dropdown list.

Q. Wage History Numbers Are Confusing

When you send wage payments to your employees at the end of a month you need to consider the following:

  • the wage payment date
  • is the date of the payment the last day of the month or the first couple days in the new month?
  • example: monthly payment of wages is sent for June 1 to June 30th.  If you send the wage payment on July 2nd, this will make your records appear that you had a higher profit in June than you did in July since the wages are deducted in July.

To make your records appear cleaner and easier to interpret, do the following:

  1. when you make wage payments to employees, at the end of the month, record a payment date of the last day in the month
  2. in the comment section for the wage payment, say when the wage payment was actually sent
  3. therefore, the employee will get a payslip showing their wages paid for the month on the last day of the month but with a comment saying it was initiated at the beginning of the following month.

This way, your dashboard chart, income statements, balances tables, wages paid tables, and invoice tables will be easier to interpret since you don't have to take into account the lag between services rendererd, payments, and wages paid.

Q. How Do I Get A Wage Slip / Receipt?

There are two ways to get a wage slip.  They are:

  1. The dashboard has a section for wages and payment history.  This will allow you to download a recent wage slip from record.  Click on Payment History and review the wages table.  Click on the red, pdf icon for the wage slip.
  2. Go to EARNING > HOURS & WAGES.  Here you will be able to review all of your wage earnings.  Click on the red, pdf icon for the wage slip you are looking for.

Q. How Do I Set Custom Wages For Practitioners?

The software uses the following hierarchy when determining the wage rate upon session completion: 

  1. Has the user enabled cost over ride?  If yes, use those numbers to determine the wages due
  2. Does the practitioner have a unique rate associated with the service?  If yes, use those numbers to determine the wages due
  3. If the above were not satisfied, use the default wage rate associated with the service to determine the wages due

You can set custom wage rates here:

  • click PRACTITIONERS > WAGE MANAGER from the main menu
  • click ADVANCED OPTIONS > CUSTOM WAGE RATES from the sub-menu
  • choose the practitioner you want to set a custom rate for
  • enter the UNIQUE RATE for the specific service
  • click the green button with a checkmark to save

After you set a custom rate, the software will follow the hierarchy above to compute the wages due.

Q. Earnings Intervals And Payslip Dates

Learn how to properly "back-date" your payslip dates so your wage payments are associated with a specific earnings interval. This is vital to ensuring your earnings and due amounts equate to zero when you review by time interval.